The right commercial patio umbrellas can both entertain guests and add a stylish flare to your outdoor area. There are so many options, however, that choosing the right ones can be a difficult decision to make. Although it may not seem like a big deal at first (outside of the obvious outdoor area design risks), making the wrong decision about which commercial patio umbrellas to invest in can have a slough of consequences, including safety hazards and unnecessary extra costs. To that end, we will make your search for the right commercial patio umbrellas a little easier with the following factors that you must consider when buying one.

Think about the size for the commercial patio umbrellas that you will need

In addition to looking great, your commercial patio umbrellas should serve a utilitarian purpose. Determine what area you will need to cover and start from there. For instance, if you are covering several small tables, then you have the flexibility to consider either several small patio umbrellas that can be set atop each table or one large one that covers the entire area. On the other hand, if you need to cover a single large table, you should only consider a large patio umbrella option; this will prevent your guests from being exposed to rain, the hot sun or other slivers of inclement weather due to the gaps that would exist between rows of smaller umbrellas.

Consider the type of materials that are best for your patio umbrellas

Never ignore your climate when choosing your next set of patio umbrellas. In fact, your climate should be the primary determinant of what type of material your patio umbrellas are made out of. A sunny region, for instance, demands that you invest in a commercial patio umbrella set that includes heavy resistance to solar radiation. Otherwise, their color will fade, and they may fail at protecting your guests from the sunlight in the first place. If you are in a humid or rainy region, your patio umbrellas should be built for the rain.

Think about the mobility of you patio umbrellas

Some patio umbrellas can be easily lifted from their slots inside of a table; others require complex removal processes; others are designed to be permanent fixtures on the side of a building. Consider which of these options is most viable regarding both the safety and design of your outdoor area (hint: those in windy regions shouldn’t buy easily removable commercial patio umbrellas!)

Consider a contrasting pattern for your umbrellas

If your commercial patio umbrellas perfectly match the rest of the furnishings in your outdoor area, the resulting visual nightmare will ruin the integrity of your entire outdoor area design. On the other hand, by contrasting the design of your chairs (solid commercial patio umbrellas against solid pattern chairs), for instance, you can turn your garishly out of place commercial patio umbrellas into an interesting — and welcome — addition to your overall outdoor design scheme.

To get started with finding the right commercial patio umbrellas…

For more information about finding the right commercial patio umbrellas and other patio furniture, contact Cabana Coast. For years, we have been one of the top producers of outdoor furnishings in the world. Cabana Coast has an endless array of outdoor furnishing options for residential and commercial clients across all industries. We can be reached via phone at 905-522-9988, via our website or via email at patio@actwin .com. You can also find many if their outdoor furnishing products available at countless third party retail stores across the world.