Having a large comfy patio is great, but not every home is blessed with such a luxury. A small patio can still be an elegant outdoor space where you can unwind after a hard day. Furniture is what usually makes the difference between a boring and crowded patio and a really extraordinary one. However, choosing the best furniture for a small patio may turn out to be more of a challenge than you’d expect it to be. Here is how you can effectively select furniture for a cozy patio.small-patio-furniture

Measuring Is Essential

The importance of proper measuring cannot be stressed enough when it comes to making the right decision about small patio furniture. It is recommended that you measure and double measure your space before you actually make any purchases. With small spaces you have to be careful to choose furniture that will not overcrowd or overwhelm your space. Prior to measuring, it is best to clear up the space so that you can make use of the entire area. Making a sketch with all measurements and layouts can prove to be a great help when it comes time to shop.

Envision The Final Placement

Light colored furniture may seem larger in pictures than it really is and may appear to take up more space than it actually does. Darker furniture may give just the opposite impression. That is why you need to take the measurements of the actual furniture pieces you wish to purchase for your small patio and draw their dimensions on the floor in the areas that you would like them placed. You may be surprised to find that the furniture you’ve selected takes up a lot more space than it initially appeared to, leaving you no room to comfortably stand up or move around.

Selecting The Right Furniture

This is the hardest part since everyone would like to have lofty outdoor lounges and spacious tables on their patio. Since that is not always with a small patio, you may have to choose furniture that has greater adaptability for small spaces:

  • Chairs or nicely finished garden benches are a better option for a small patio that cannot host large lounge chairs or sofas;
  • Rectangular tables are best for narrower spaces that cannot accommodate large round dining tables, which tend to take a lot of space due to their shape;
  • Corner sofas and other sectionals are an excellent choice that can save a lot of space;
  • Side tables with storage space underneath are a good option for tight patio spaces;
  • Folding or stackable patio furniture may also be a viable alternative especially when you don’t need to use all of your chairs every time.

The market for outdoor furniture is extremely diversified, so that the needs and expectations of every client are met in every respect. Whether small or large, a patio is a great asset for a home, one that can be transformed in a heavenly retreat with the right furniture. To find the right furniture for your patio be sure to stop by one of our Cabana Coast retailers or use our online customization tool to create your own custom furniture online.